Log On:
(Start receiving calls)
Leave the receiver down, scroll to the ‘Menu’ tab by
pressing the left hand arrow
Press the soft key next to ‘Log On’ in the display,
then enter your Agent number __________ if
prompted enter 4 digit password 0000 – password
not always asked for!
Once the supervisor has logged on, you can now
press the Entry key, followed by the List key and
select the group you want to be part of, this enables
you to receive calls
Headset Mode:
Press Apply / Cancel to choose or
cancel headset mode, press the release key
Once logged on your screen will show (Agent
number/Available agent and the date and time) It
will also offer…..Unavailable / Wrap Up / Queue
Info / Supervision / Logoff / Private Info
Will enable the Supervisor to be able to receive
internal and DDI calls but not receive and
processing group calls, you can still receive calls
from agents requesting help.
Log off:
(At the end of your shift)
Press the soft key next to ‘Log Off’ in the display if
prompted for a password, enter 4 digit password
0000 – password not always asked for!
Press the release key
LED status:
Steady red: At least 1 call queuing
Red flashing: At least 1 call queuing and queue is
Green Flashing: At least 1 voice / text message
Off: No calls queueing and no messages
Receive a call:
Press the speaker key if using a headset or
lift the receiver, once answered the screen will
show that you are in conversation and offer the
following options: New Call / Help / Queue Info /
Supervisor / Record / Put on hold / Forbid camp on
Hold a call:
Whilst on a call press soft key next to ‘Put on hold’
in the display. Alternatively press the soft key next
to line key and a musical note will appear
Retrieve a held call:
Press the ‘Retrieve call’ key in the display or press
the key next to the musical note
Enquiry call to another agent / supervisor /
Dial the extension number or press a pre-
programmed key, the caller is automatically placed
on hold
Retrieve and enquiry call:
Press the soft key next to ‘Enquiry Off’ this will
disconnect the extension and return you to the
Transfer a call:
Dial the extension number or press pre-
programmed key, announce the caller and press
‘Transfer’ in the display or replace receiver
Retrieve a transfer call:
If there is no reply from the extension that you are
trying, press the key next to ‘Enquiry off’ and you
will return to the caller
End a call:
Replace the receiver or press the release key
During a conversation you may be asked for help
by an agent, they will press their Help key and it
will enable you to listen or participate in the call
From Perso Tab – Press ‘ACD listen’ key
This will enable you to record the conversation
into a mailbox for training purposes. Press the
‘Record’ key in the display. The display will then
offer you Restart / Pause / Stop (Subject to
Queue Info:
This will display information on calls queuing for
example average and maximum waiting time and
number of calls queued (Press cancel to return)
Switch back & forth:
The agent can toggle back and forth between 2
calls by pressing the line they want to speak to.
The 2
line will automatically go on hold it will
show a musical note next to it
3 way conference:
The agent can press their Conference key in the
display to join all 3 parties together
End of conversation:
Transaction code – The system can be set to
prompt the agent to enter a code between 1 – 15
digits. This can be related to the type of
conversation the agent has had. Statistics can then
be accessed relating to the transaction codes.
Agent Listen:
As a supervisor you can scroll to the Perso tab
and press ‘ACD Listen’ key. Enter the Agent
Number to display agent details. The supervisor
can then select Listen – to listen to the call,
Intrusion – Allows the supervisor to participate,
Restrictive – Allows the supervisor to talk to the
agent but not the caller, Permanent – Allows
permanent listening (These options are also
available when the agent presses their Help key)