Disposing of the packaging
− Sort the packaging before you dispose of it.
Dispose of paperboard and cardboard with
the recycled paper service and wrappers with
appropriate collection service.
Disposing of old appliances
− Should the thermometer no longer be capable
of being used at some point in time,
dispose of
it in accordance with the regulations in force
in your city or state.
− Please ensure your recycling information
applies to local regulations and the EPA recom-
mendations (www.epa.gov).
Batteries may not be disposed of with house-
hold waste!
As the end user you are required by law to bring all
batteries and rechargeable batteries, regardless
whether they contain harmful substances* or not,
to a collection point run by the city, county, or state,
or to a retailer, so that they can be disposed of in an
environmentally friendly manner.
*labeled with: Cd = cadmium, Hg = mercury,
Pb = lead