6. Maintenance
Maintain the Tank Cleaning Machine with care. Read the instructions carefully and pay special attention to the warnings!
Always keep Minor spare parts kit in stock.
6.2 General dismantling set up
Step 1
A rigorously implemented preventative maintenance program will significantly reduce repair costs over the life of the Alfa Laval
Gamajet. The foundation of such a program is regularly scheduled inspections to discover and replace worn or damaged parts
before they can cause the failure of other, more costly, components. The inspection intervals required will depend on the
severity of the application, but a complete internal inspection at 100 hours of operation is recommended initially.
Part numbers appearing below may be used to identify parts in Chapter 8.
Step 2
The Alfa Laval Gamajet should be washed out with clean water after each use to remove any foreign material or soft
substances left in the machine that may harden during storage and cause the Alfa Laval Gamajet to seize or lock up. A clean
water rinse through the Alfa Laval Gamajet followed by a short (1 to 2 seconds maximum) air blow down, will purge any
residues of chemical cleaners or recirculated wash water that could adversely affect the seals and O-rings during the prolonged
contact of storage.
Step 3
Before every shift, ensure that the Name Plate (6) is tight. The Tee Housing (4) should not have any axial play. If it does,
retighten the Tee Housing Bevel Gear Screws (44) that hold down the Bevel Gear (17). Also, the Stator (9) and the orifices in
the Nozzle Housing (5) should be inspected for debris. Look into each orifice for signs of debris or build-up. Examine the Stator
by loosening the Inlet Collar Set Screw (38) and removing the main section of the machine from the Inlet Collar (1).
One does not have to remove the Alfa Laval Gamajet from the supply pipe when performing this check.
Step 4
The Alfa Laval Gamajet should be internally inspected every 100-200 hours of operation, depending on the severity of use, or
after a season of use and before the unit is placed into long term (over a month) storage. Regardless, the unit should be
inspected after the first 100 hours of operation, or the first season.
Step 5
All the Bearings, Bushings, Seals and O-rings are wear parts. Ideally, they should all be replaced,
as a group
, every 150-200
hours of operation, depending on the severity of use. At first, an interval of 150 hours is recommended.
For balance and wear uniformity, if just one Bearing or Seal is worn or damaged, replace both it and its mate, not just the worn
or damaged part.