Always make sure that the stove and the ash are cold.
This is a firebox (box-shaped) where the wood mass pellet combust. Look at figure 11. It is recommendable that the
firebox is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner after each use (when the stove gets cold). After each third use, it is
recommended to take out the firebox and to check to make sure that there is no too much ash which is accumulated
on the bottom of the box-shaped firebox. Then return the box back, tightly place it to its positions to ensure safe
operation of the stove.
If you have some unclear issues, do not hesitate to call an authorized service in order to get additional information
and explanations, since the manufacturer does not have an insight to the stove installation and does not offer any
guarantee for the installation of the stove and it maintenance.
The manufacturer does not assume any personal responsibility for the damages that happened as a result
of third parties.
ASHTRAY (if it is full, you should clean it with a vacuum cleaner or empty it):
Make sure that the stove and the ash are both cold
The ashtray must be cleaned every
day or every other day
, with a vacuum cleaner or simply by disposal of the
In this manner all the dirt that stays inside from the pellet combustion is removed. Then the box must be properly
returned to its position. Never put pellets which have not burned in the ashtray.
− never put pellets that have not burned in the ash box or ashtray,
− clean the glass with a soft cloth.
DOOR WITH A GLASS (it should be temporarily checked and cleaned):
Make sure that the stove and the ash are both cold
The glass is made of pyro-ceramics resistant to high temperatures. In case of damage, before you start using the
stove again, replace the glass as soon as possible. The glass must be replaced only by an authorized person for
6.2 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE (for workers who work on maintenance)
− FLUE CHANNEL – FLUE (it should be cleaned once in every six months or after combustion of two tons of
Make sure that the stove and the ash are both cold
This smoke exhaust channel (flue), is resistant to wind and must be checked and cleaned every other year, best is
at the beginning of the heating season. For professional cleaning of these elements of the system, the best is to
contact authorized professional technicians. The spots to which you should pay special attention during cleaning
and which should be separately cleaned, are shown in figure 15.
− INTERNAL FIREBOX (every two weeks)
Make sure that the stove and the ash are both cold
For proper cleaning, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the ash behind the cast place every two or three weeks, by
turning or removing the plate as shown in point 6.1 (figures 11,12,13).
− EXHAUST SPACE OF THE SMOKE EXTRACTOR (it is checked and cleaned once in every six months)
Make sure that the stove and the ash are both cold
The cleaning of the internal space for the smoke exhaust is performed first by removing the cover, that is, by taking
out the lower ashtray and the hose of the vacuum cleaner is inserted through that opening, so the remaining ash is
taken out with the vacuum cleaner, and proper operation of the stove is obtained, figure 16.
1.Hole for inserting heating
element for fuel ignition
2.For achieving best stove operation,
all holes must be without ash