Mobile Timing MT1
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On the main menu you can enter the next bib and confirm with ENTER.
With the ESC button, you will get to the selection menu. If you press again ESC, you will return
to the main screen. Use the arrow buttons (2 for scroll up, 8 for scroll down) to choose the
menu. Press enter to confirm the selection.
3.1.1 Channel blocking
First menu item is the channel menu. At this menu, you can set the timing channels “Active”,
“Disabled” and “Blocked”. If a timing channel is “Disabled”, no time is stored. That is used on
breaks to avoid unnecessary data transmission. Use “Blocked” during the event when you are
not sure if the next impulse is valid or not. Use “Active” at normal operation. You can navigate
with the arrow buttons. To react very fast, this setting is immediately active. You do not have to
confirm. You can return to main menu with the ESC or ENTER button.
At the main screen, you can see the current state in the left lower corner. It will show a blinking
circle around the C if channels are blocked, strike trough if the channels are disabled and no
blinking on normal operation.