Mobile Timing MT1
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The fourth icon from the left is the battery icon. I will show the power state and state of charge.
The fifth icon shows the synchronization state. At beginning, there is no synchronization. After
synchronization, it will show the type of synchronization. Possible state is GPS, EXT.
At the right end there is the name of the device for identification. This can be set from server
2.1.2 Bib
On the main screen there is a bib blinking. To confirm the next bib press ENTER. To change
the bib enter the number and confirm with ENTER.
If you want to suppress a wrong impulse, you can enter the bib “0”+ENTER. This will disable
upcoming impulses. You can see the disabled state with a blinking circle.
2.1.3 Time
On the lower end of the screen there is on the main screen the running time.
On the very lower end of the screen, you can see the last timing impulse (channel, bib and
The MT1 has a splash-proof foil keyboard with 12 buttons.
2.3.1 Timing channels
There are two timing channels on banana plugs. One green (C0) and black and one red (C1)
and black.
2.3.2 USB
The MT1 device has a USB-C interface which can be used for charging and data transmission
to a PC. This USB interface will simulate a virtual COM port. For Window 7 OS and older you
will need a
to use this COM port. For newer OS you can install the
the correct name in the device manager, but it is not necessary. This virtual COM port uses
the same data protocol as the Timy-Series and TDC 800x series.
No Data connection to the PC is shown with a crossed out USB symbol.
Valid data connection to the PC and charging: