Aliencopter Studio All Rights Reserved.
If you are using our recommended types for the motor and propeller, which are 4108, kv600, apc1238 (for
propeller), please configure the sensor parameter on the ground station’s “Param” sheet once the initialization
completes. Please pay attention to the parameters in the image below.
Please It is very important to note
that in the first vertical row in the image above, the Roll Sensitivity should
be set to 45, Pitch Sensitivity to 80 and Sway Compensation to 80(as the image shows). As for the Magnetic
Declination parameter, you need to set the number based on the magnetic declination of your location. Take
Shenzhen, China for instance, the Magnetic Declination parameter should be set to 2.0. Cell Number indicates the
number of battery cells. 4s battery is the type we recommend. You may leave other parameter settings as default. In
the second vertical row, you need to set “Aircraft Type” to “Quad-Rotor X” and leave other parameter settings as
Pre-flight Checks and Tuning
First, check the 4 motors to see if they rotate in the correct direction; if the motor plugs of the flight
control are properly plugged (Motor 1-Motor 4); and if the propellers are correctly installed. Arrows in
the image below show the correct direction in which the motors should rotate.