Chapter 4
Wait for the READ FROM TAPE indicator to turn on. After a short
delay the DATA OUT indicator turns on.
Wait for tape motion to stop. Both indicators should be off. Only the first
page of Part Program data will be displayed. Press XMIT to see
subsequent pages. READ FROM TAPE and data out may come on again.
NOTE: If the recorder stops unexpectedly and either the DATE OUT or
READ FROM TAPE indicator is on in addition to the ERROR indicator,
turn the recorder off and then on again. Press the READER RESET key.
Repeat the loading operation.
If the ERROR indicator turns on during program transfer, program
data has been altered. you must repeat the loading operation.
PAL (programmable applications logic) programs may be stored on a data
cartridge. Binary formatted PAL programs of either the B or C type may
be recorded through the data cartridge recorder.
If an error is detected while the PAL program is being loaded, the recorder
will stop and an error message will be displayed on the CRT.
Recording a B Version PAL Program
Use the following procedure to store a B version PAL program on the data
cartridge recorder:
Install the recorder as described in chapter 3.
Set the BAUD RATE switch to 9600 baud. Set the TRACK SELECT
switch to track 1 or track 2.
Set the power ON/OFF switch to the ON position.
Be sure that the write protect tab on the data cartridge is positioned
to the left, and insert the cartridge into the recorder.
Wait for the recorder to complete the repacking operation.
NOTE: If the recorder is turned off while a tape rewind operation is in
progress, the data on the tape will be altered.
Select the KYBD (keyboard) mode.
Enter the following command through the keyboard: AL, PN, B,CA].
Wait for the RECORD ON TAPE indicator to turn on. After a short
delay the DATA IN indicator turns on.
Recording Series 8200 CNC PAL
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