ArmorBlock MaXum 8 Input / 8 Output Module
Publication 1792D-5.20 - October 1998
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Produces 2
Output no load or overload fault (OFLT): - When the bit is set
(1) an output fault has occurred. OFLT0 corresponds to
output 0, OFLT1 corresponds to output 1, OFLT2
corresponds to output 2, OFLT3 corresponds to output 3,
OFLT4 corresponds to output 4, OFLT5 corresponds to
output 5, OFLT6 corresponds to output 6, OFLT7
corresponds to output 7.
Produces 3
RSVD = Reserved
Output Power Fault (OPWR): When the bit is set (1) Auxiliary
Power is not present.
RSVD = Reserved
Consumes 0
Output bits: When the bit is set (1), the output will be turned
on. Bit 00 corresponds to output O0, bit 01 corresponds to
output 01, bit 02 to output 02, bit 03 to output 03, bit 04 to
output 04, bit 05 to output 05, bit 06 to output 06, bit 07 to
output 07.