Startup Sequence
©2008 Allied Telesis Inc. All rights reserved.
Software Version 5.2.1
AlliedWare Plus
Operating System Software Reference C613-50003-00 REV E
This option allows for the bootloader code to be updated. It is not detailed here, as it is
envisioned that this would rarely need to be done, and only at the request of (and with support
from) Allied Telesis engineering.
Adjust the console baud rate
The baud rate of the console session is set here to match the terminal program being used for
management of the switch when connected directly to the asynchronous port. The switches
default value is 9600. The baud rate selected can be set as the ‘new’ default for future use if
Select baud rate:
0. Return to previous menu
1. 9600
2. 19200
3. 38400
4. 57600
5. 115200
6. 230400 (Setting can't be made permanent)
7. 460800 (Setting can't be made permanent)
8. 921600 (Setting can't be made permanent) [UNTESTED]
9. Quit and continue booting
Enter selection ==> 5
Change your terminal program baud rate to 9600 and press
enter... if for some reason you are unable to do this,
power cycle the device and the existing baud rate will be
Use this baud rate by default? (Y/N) ==> n
Special boot options
The special boot options allow for system recovery in the event of a forgotten password or to
the default configuration.
Special boot options menu:
0. Return to previous menu
1. Boot with default config
2. Clear manager password
Enter selection ==>