Camera interfaces
Prosilica GC Technical Manual V2.2.0
RxD RS232 and TxD RS232
These signals are RS232 compatible. These signals are not optically isolated. Tie
RS232 ground to Signal GND to complete the RS232 circuit.
Input triggers
Input triggers allow the camera to be synchronized to an external event. The
camera can be programmed to trigger on the rising edge, falling edge, both edges,
or level of the signal. The camera can also be programmed to capture an image at
some programmable delay time after the trigger event.
In 1 (opto-isolated)
In 1 is optically isolated and can be used in electrically noisy environments to
prevent false trigger events. Tie trigger ground to Isolated IO GND to complete the
trigger circuit. Compared to the non-isolated trigger, In 1 has a longer propagation
time. It can be driven from 5 to 24 V with a minimum current source of 10 mA. See
Camera I/O opto-isolated user circuit example
for wiring information.
In 2 (non-isolated)
In 2 is not electrically isolated and can be used when environmental noise is
inconsequential and faster trigger response is required. The required trigger signal
is low voltage TTL 3.3 V. Tie trigger ground to Signal GND to complete the trigger
circuit. See
Camera I/O non-isolated user circuit example
for wiring information.
Output signals
Output signals can be assigned to a variety of internal camera signals via software.
They can be configured to active high or active low. The internal camera signals are
listed as follows:
Further information available online
For complete RS232 description and usage, see the RS232 Port GigE Cameras
application note:
Input voltage limit
Exceeding 5.1 V on In 2 can permanently damage the camera.
Corresponds to when camera is integrating light.
Trigger Ready
Indicates when the camera is ready to accept a trigger signal.
Trigger Input
A relay of the trigger input signal used to “daisy chain” the
trigger signal for multiple cameras.
Valid when camera is reading out data.
Valid when camera is exposing or reading out.