Chapter 6: Deploying the SG-9100
Allot SG-9100 Hardware Guide
Define network parameters for the TSM by entering relevant
values for IP Address, Subnet mask and Gateway IP.
Press F10 to save network settings and reset. Wait while TSM
After TSM network parameters are set and TSM management port
is connected to a network, the rear USB ports may be used for
Bypass management only and the system may be controlled
remotely via web interface.
Go to the PC that you will be accessing TSM from remotely and
open the Java Control Panel (Start > Control Panel > Java).
Move to the Security tab.
Edit Site List
The Exception Site List appears.
and type in the SG-9100 URL, as follows:
http://<IP OF SG>
to add the SG-9100 to the allowed hosts list.
Open a web browser. In the address field, type, type the IP address
or host name of the TSM to which you want to connect.
Enter User ID and Password
You will see the TSM User Interface, with the default “System
Status” in view which provides important information regarding
system health such as temperature and power levels, as seen