Tri Power X33 Mod HP Manual | Rev 1.20 | © Alpha Technologies GmbH 2013
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Tri Power X33 Mod HP
Before programming or starting the unit, make sure that
all the modules (inverter and/or battery boxes) are clo-
sed and fixed with the screws.
Close the door and take the keys out.
Battery discharging curve
With the UPS TRI POWER X33 MOD HP it is possible to increase the calaculation accuray of the autonomy time in case of
mains fault.
Option 1
If the archiv includes manufacturer-specific dischaging curves please choose by menue:
Load curve from archiv:
UPS Setup-> Batteries -> Discharge curve -> Load from archive
Entladekurve ansehen
USV Setup -> Batteries -> Discharge curve -> View from Archive or View curve in use
Dicharging curves can only be uploded by the manunfacturer.
Option 2
It is possible to store a customized curve with given discharging voltages:
UPS Setup -> Batteries -> Discharge curve -> Custom
-> Power: Battery block characteristic which specify the typical discharge process
-> Data: Minium 3 and maximum 20 pairs of data has to be put in. Each pair constits of voltage and it´s discharge time.
The data pairs should be chossen in a way to show the best characteristic of the whloe discharge curve. The pair should
be on the part of the discharge curve where most changes appear. As more data given as more accurate the curve is
The first data pair ist the discharge starting and the last will be the end of dischargepoint.
Autonomy recalculation
During battery discharge UPS TRI POWER X33 MOD HP is recalculate the autonomy time in line with the actual load; this
is factory setted. It is possible to stop this recalculation. This is useful if a manufactory discharge curve is used. To change
the factory setting please follow:
Misc -> Calibration -> Automatic -> ENABLED/DISABLED