Document N° :
Pioneer 200
Flight Manual
Section: 4
Normal Operations
Dated: 20-04-2002
Sect : 4 -Page: 16 of 168
Full throttle run up over loose gravel is especially harmful to propeller tips.
When takeoffs must be made over a gravel surface, it is very important that
the throttle is advanced slowly. This allows the airplane to start rolling
before high RPM is developed, and the gravel will be blown behind the
propeller rather than pulled into it. When unavoidable small nicks appear in
the propeller, they should be immediately corrected.
Take off into strong crosswinds are normally performed with the minimum
flap setting necessary for the field length, to minimize the drift angle
immediately after takeoff. With the ailerons partially deflected into the wind,
the airplane is accelerated to a speed slightly higher than normal, and then
pulled off positively and smoothly to prevent possible settling back to the
runway while drifting. When clear of the ground, make a coordinated turn
into the wind to correct for drift.
4.4.5. CRUISE
Normal cruising is performed between 75 % and 90 % power. Continuous
cruise should not be above 27500 RPM.
Flights should be planned at 20 liters per hour with 45 minutes reserve,
with appropriate allowances for wind conditions which will assist in
determining the most favourable altitude and power setting for a given trip.
The limiting crosswind velocity of 25 Km/h has been demonstrated at FULL
Flap. However, in strong crosswind conditions use the minimum flap
consistent with the strip length available.
Use the Wing Low technique right through to touchdown and land on Mains