ALS Tire BLE Install Guide
© Alsense Motorsport SRL
Appendix A: ALS Tire BLE
Bluetooth Communication Protocol
Updated 23.01.2022
This document describes the communication protocol of the Alsense Tire Temperature Bluetooth
low energy product.
Device Naming
The device name has the following convention: “ALS Temp BLE XXXXXX Y”. Where “XXXXXX” are the
last 3 bytes of the MAC address and “Y” is the position(see configuration characteristic for more
Example: For MAC address “00:60:37:31:F7:B5“ and position “Rear Left”, the name will be: “ALS
Temp BLE 31F7B5 3”.
Bluetooth Services and Characteristics
The board exposes a BLE service, for interacting with it, called “Temperature Service” . The
Temperature Service has 2 characteristics: Temperature Characteristic and Configuration
The UUIDs for the services and the characteristics are:
Temperature Service
Temperature Characteristic e10d0101-54da-44b3-9b70-9b9898e9ba43
Configuration Characteristic e10d0102-54da-44b3-9b70-9b9898e9ba43
Temperature Characteristic
The Temperature Characteristic is used to report battery and temperature data readings.
Characteristic Properties: Read/Notify
Configuration Characteristic
The Configuration Characteristic is used to change the board’s configurations.
Characteristic Properties: Read/Write/Notify