ID Drive
external PC Card Drive
with SCSI-2 interface
Thank you for deciding to buy an altec product. In order to ensure correct functioning
and to avoid problems when installing this high-quality German-made product,
please read the entire manual and carefully observe the following points:
•Observe the general guidelines when handling components or modules which can
be damaged by electrostatic charge or discharge (this applies to the products
described in this manual).
•If you should encounter any problems during the installation or use of this prod-
uct, please contact our service department and ask for advice. If you do not do this,
your guarantee rights may be impaired.
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+49-511-9 83 81-70
or eMail
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, duplicated, tran-
scribed, distributed or translated into another language without express written per-
mission from altec ComputerSysteme GmbH.
The right is reserved to change specifications without prior notice. All trademarks
mentioned are the property of the respective owners.
© altec ComputerSysteme GmbH.
HB_ID_Drive_e12.qxd4 Version 03/2003.