Stratix II Memory Board 2 Rev A User Guide Rev 0.1
Altera Confidential
Figure 4. S2MB2 with Cables
Power up Procedure
Insert the power connector into the socket. A red LED (D8) on the Proto1 test card
should come on. This indicates that power is available to the board.
Move the power switch to the ON position. A bright blue LED (D18) next to the
switch SW1 should light up indicating power being applied to the onboard regulators.
Several LEDs on the S2MB2 and LEDs D1-D5 and D8 on the Proto 1 test card
should come on.
Running All Tests at Once
All of the individual diagnostic tests can be run by executing one file, the
“all_tests_max2.bat.” This .bat file essentially calls each test sequentially.
Press SYS_RESETn (S3) once the all_tests_max2.bat has been executed. After each
test is run, place the board in SAFE mode by pushbutton S2. This sets up the S2MB2
so that the next test file will be executed properly.
User IO Test
Proto1 Card