Language: English Model: Netti III HD Version: February 2013
Using a lift:
Before transfer to chair:
• Tilt the chair back
• Remove the head support
• Remove the foot supports
• Open the back rest angle slightly
• Replace the components when
transfer is finished.
Never stand on the foot plates
without making sure that they
are touching the ground due to
the risk of tipping the chair
8.8 Point of balance
Adjust the point of balance by changing
the position of the main wheel in the main
wheel bracket.
• Move the main wheel hub and the
main wheel. (Chapt. 6.6)
• Adjust the brakes. (Chapt. 6.17)
2 pcs 24 mm open-end spanner
5 mm Allen key
When the main wheels are moved forward, it
will be easier to manoeuvre the wheelchair,
but the risk of tipping backwards increases.
The point of balance can also be
changed by adjusting the seat angle
and/or angle of backrest.
It is recommended to use the anti tip.
Check that the main wheel and quick
release are locked properly. (Chapt 6.2)