20P and Vista 15P, Vista 21IP Programming
Compatible Panels
• Vista 20P version 4.0 or later (controls only partition one)
• Vista 15P version 4.0 or later
• Vista 21P version 3.13 or later
1. Set up an account with your interactive services provider.
2. Add a contact that uses the system MASTER CODE to the account before connecting the IGM.
This is required for the IGM to be able to properly configure the system settings.
3. Disarm the system (all partitions).
4. The IGM automatically talks with the Vista using AUI 2, which is usually enabled by default.
Enabling AUI 2 if not default:
Enable AUI 2 in the *189 field.
If another device is using AUI 2, that device must first be moved to a different AUI
address. The other device should be moved to AUI 1 for Vista 15P and AUI 1, 3, or 4 for
Vista 20P.
Vista panels that have a *91 field that supports RIS need to have RIS disabled. No action is
required if RIS is not supported.
6. Use programming option *188 to disable keypad lockout.
Keypad lockout:
• Vista 15P and 20P panel versions 10.21 and later have the keypad lockout feature
enabled by default and it is recommended this feature be disabled to prevent possible
keypad lockout conditions if the system master code in the IGM is not synchronized
with the master code in the Vista panel.
• If it is required to have the keypad lockout feature enabled, it is critical that the system
master code be set up as a contact for this account before connecting the module to
the panel (see step 2 above). Also, all changes to the system master code must be done
at the user portal or dealer portal, not at the keypad. Failing to do this may result in a
keypad lockout condition.
7. Power down the Vista system.
8. Set IGM’s panel selector switch to
9. Connect the Vista system and IGM as shown in the wiring diagram below. Note:
For Vista 21IP panels, Internal IP/GSM jumper needs to be set to “OFF”.
10. Power up the Vista system and the IGM will automatically program it. Make sure all partitions
are disarmed
• The Vista system will be busy for 50-60 seconds after power up before it will
automatically program.
• IGM will enable the following settings automatically:
* IP/GSM device (*29) = 1 (enabled)
Communicate to IP/GSM device first (*55) = 1 (IP/GSM first)
* Opening report (*65) = 1 (enabled)
* Closing report (*66) = 1, 1 (stay closing and away closing reports enabled)
* Alarm cancel report (*68) = 1 (enabled)
* AC power restoral report (*73) = 1 (enabled)
* Low Battery restoral report (*74) = 1 (enabled),
* Phone Monitor (*92) = 0 (disabled)
11. Once the keypad(s) displays
DISARMED Ready to Arm
, installation is complete.
Honeywell Panel
4 AUX-
5 AUX+