n UPS Systems
2012-06-12 9
m. Intelligent charger:
The UPS will automatically recharge (boost charge) the batteries when
the battery voltage level decreases to approximately 2V/Cell or to a user specified level. To
prevent the over-charging of the battery, the boost charge will stop when batteries achieve a
90% charged level or the ambient temperature reaches 35
C (95
F) at which point the float
charging begins.
n. Intelligent battery test:
batteries are tested after every boost charge whether the
charge has been initiated by a battery discharge state (2V/Cell) or by the regular battery test
preformed by the UPS (monthly test). When an abnormal condition (low charge rating, or bad
battery) is found the user will be informed immediately through alarms on the UPS system.
o. Charging rate:
The charging rate is selectable (L/M/H) according to Ah ratings of the
batteries. The charger is designed to charge the larger battery banks without adding an
additional charger (up to 8hr. back-up).
p. MTBF of cooling fans:
Long cycling
fans will operate at variable speeds necessary which is
dependent on the ambient temperature of the UPS system increasing the life expectancy of the
fan motors.
q. Redundant power supply:
Redundant power supplies have been installed to allow for
worry free operation of the system.
r. Intelligent interface:
One remote control panel (or one PC) can monitor and control up to
ninety-nine UPS’s. The communication allows for N+1 redundancy, whereby if one system
encounters an emergency or fault condition, it will warn the user immediately and the load is
automatically transferred to the other UPS systems. The UPS status, data or commands are
transmitted to external modules through four RS-485 ports.
s. Data log capability:
abnormal conditions will be stored within the UPS control interface
board for further reference by the user. Each abnormal condition is time and date stamped
(real-time clock) as the event occurs. This history is stored and cannot be removed even if or
when the UPS is turned off for servicing.
t. Convenient front panel design:
The LCD display and control switches are accessible
through the up, down, and enter switches below the front panel window. All the viewable
parameters can be read without opening the front door. The inverter on/off switch is protected
from accidental operation by being located behind the locked front door although the inverter
can still be switched on and off via the control switches on the front panel but this feature is
password protected.
u. Emergency stop:
In the event of an emergency the UPS can be shutdown (no AC at the
output) either through a switch (optional) or through a smoke detector signal (optional).