4.4.4 Block 4
The two bars present the amount of Rx and Tx messages in Channel A and Channel B. Lime color
represents received message numbers, and orange color represents transmitted message numbers.
4.4.5 Block 5
The Repeater Performance History on Channel A and B are shown in this block.
4.5 Tab 4: System Status
4.5.1 General
User can check the monitoring information including
“System Power”, “Background Noise”, “Transmit
”, and “GPS Status”.
System Power: DC or AC in use
Background Noise: Channel background noise detecting value
Transmit Power: 12.5W, 5W, 2W
GPS Status: Lost, 2D, 3D
4.5.2 Processor Kernel
User can check the kernel status including
“CPU”, “RAM”, “ROM”, “CACHE”, and “DATAFLASH”.
4.5.3 Interface
User can confirm the function including
“LCT” and “NMEA-0183”.