IR Compensa�on (IR/T) with no tach feedback:
The IR/T se�ng determines the degree to which motor
speed is held constant as the motor load changes. To calibrate the IR/T:
1. Set the IR/T trim pot full CCW.
2. Increase the speed adjust poten�ometer un�l the motor runs at midspeed without load. A
handheld tachometer may be used to measure motor speed.
3. Load the motor armature to its full load armature current ra�ng. The motor should slow down.
4. While keeping the load on the motor, rotate the IR trim pot un�l the motor runs at the speed
measured in step 2. If the motor oscillates (overcompensa�on), the IR trim pot may be set too
high (CW). Turn the IR/T trim pot CCW to stabilize the motor.
5. Unload the motor.
IR Compensa�on (IR/T) with tach feedback:
If using tach feedback, calibrate the IR/T trim pot as follows:
1. Connect the tachogenerator to T1 and T2. The polarity is posi�ve (+) for T1 and nega�ve (-) for
T2 when the motor is running in the forward direc�on.
Set the feedback jumper J504 to A90 if using a 90 VDC motor or to A180 if using a 180 VDC motor.
3. Set the remote adjust poten�ometer or analog input signal to maximum forward speed. Measure
the armature voltage across A1 and A2 using a voltmeter.
4. Set the speed adjust poten�ometer or analog input signal to zero speed.
5. Set J504 to TACH for tachogenerator feedback.
6. Set the IR/T trim pot to full CW.
7. Set the remote adjust poten�ometer or analog input signal to maximum forward speed.
8. Adjust the IR/T trim pot un�l the armature voltage is the same value as the voltage measured in
step 3.
Check that the TACH is properly calibrated. The motor should run at the same set speed when J504 is set
to either A90/A180 or TACH.
Forward Current Limit (FWCL):
The FWCL trim pot determines the maximum amount of torque for
accelera�ng the motor in the foward direc�on or for braking if running in the reverse direc�on. In
“Torque Limit Cycling Mode”, the FWCL trim pot determines the current limit for both direc�ons. To
calibrate FWCL:
1. With the power disconnected from the drive, connect a DC ammeter in series with the motor
2. Set the FWCL trim pot to minimum (full CCW).
3. Set the speed adjust poten�ometer or analog signal to maximum forward speed.
4. Carefully lock the motor armature. Be sure that the motor is firmly mounted.
5. Apply line power. The motor should be stopped.
6. Slowly adjust the FWCL trim pot CW un�l the armature current is 150% of motor rated
armature current.
7. Turn the speed adjust poten�ometer to minimum speed (full CCW).
8. Remove line power.
9. Remove the stall from the motor.
10. Remove the ammeter in series with the motor armature if it is no longer needed.
Reverse Current Limit (RVCL):
The RVCL trim pot determines the maximum amount of torque for
accelera�ng the motor in the reverse direc�on or for braking if running in the forward direc�on. To
calibrate RVCL, follow steps 1-10 in the Forward Current Limit trim pot calibra�on procedure, but use
the RVCL trim pot with the drive set to run in the reverse direc�on. In “Torque Limit Cycling Mode”, the
RVCL trim pot sets the amount of �me the drive must be in current limit before it automa�cally
changes direc�on. The �me range is 0.2 (full CCW) to 10 (full CW) seconds.
Offset 1 (OFS1):
In unidirec�onal mode, the OFS1 se�ng determines the motor speed when the Signal 1 speed adjust poten�ometer or analog signal is set
for minimum speed. To calibrate the OFS1:
1. Set the OFS1 trim pot at 50%.
2. Set the speed adjust poten�ometer or analog signal for minimum speed.
3. Adjust OFS1 trim pot un�l the desired minimum speed is reached.
If a bidirec�onal / wigwag setup is desired, the OFS1 se�ng determines the posi�on of the poten�ometer or amount of analog signal that is the zero
crossing / zero speed command. To calibrate the OFS1:
1. Set the OFS1 trim pot at 50%.
2. Set the speed adjust poten�ometer to the desired posi�on for a stop command, or set the analog signal to to desired level for a stop command.
3. Adjust OFS1 trim pot un�l the motor stops moving.
Offset 2 (OFS2):
In unidirec�onal mode, the OFS2 se�ng determines the motor speed when the Signal 2 speed adjust poten�ometer or analog signal is set
for minimum speed. To calibrate the OFS2:
1. Set the OFS2 trim pot at 50%.
2. Set the speed adjust poten�ometer or analog signal for minimum speed.
3. Adjust OFS2 trim pot un�l the desired minimum speed is reached.
If a bidirec�onal / wigwag setup is desired, the OFS2 se�ng determines the posi�on of the poten�ometer or amount of analog signal that is the zero
crossing / zero speed command. To calibrate the OFS2:
1. Set the OFS2 trim pot at 50%.
2. Set the speed adjust poten�ometer to the desired posi�on for a stop command, or set the analog signal to to desired level for a stop command.
3. Adjust OFS2 trim pot un�l the motor stops moving.
Maximum Speed (MAX):
The MAX se�ng determines the maximum motor speed in both the forward and reverse direc�ons for both the Signal 1 and
Signal 2 inputs. To calibrate the MAX:
1. Set the MAX trim pot full CCW.
2. Set the speed adjust poten�ometer or analog signal for maximum speed.
3. Adjust MAX trim pot un�l the desired maximum speed is reached.
Accelera�on and Decelera�on (FACC and RACC):
The FACC trim pot sets the accelera�on / ramp-up rate in the forward direc�on and decelera�on /
braking rate for the reverse direc�on. The RACC trim pot set the accelera�on / ramp-up in the reverse direc�on and the decelera�on / braking rate for the
forward direc�on. Turning the trim pots CW increases the amount of ramp-up or braking �me.
Motor Overload Protec�on (MOP):
The MOP trim pot is used to set the amperage trip point that will cause the drive to fault out. This is used to sa�sfy UL
standard 61800-5-1 for motor overload protec�on. 200% current Motor Overload Protec�on is provided. Place the supplied Motor Overload Protec�on
label on final enclosure. To calibrate the MOP trim pot:
1. With the power disconnected from the drive, connect a DC ammeter in series with the motor armature.
2. Set the MOP trim pot to maximum (full CW) and the FWCL trim pot to minimum (full CCW).
3. Set the remote adjust poten�ometer or analog signal to maximum speed.
4. Lock the motor armature. Be sure that the motor is firmly mounted.
5. Apply AC line power. The motor should be stalled in order to pull the maximum amount of current possible.
6. Slowly adjust the FWCL trim pot CW un�l the ammeter reads the amount of current you want to set as the motor overload trip point.
7. Slowly adjust the MOP trim pot CCW. The red LIMIT LED should being to flash slowly indica�ng the Motor Overload Protec�on trip point is above
the current limit. Con�nue to adjust the MOP trim pot CCW un�l the red LIMIT LED becomes solid, indica�ng the Motor Overload Protec�on trip
point is equal to the current limit. If it begins to flash quickly, the trim pot has been turned too far CCW and the Motor Overload Protec�on trip
point is below the current limit.
8. Remove AC line power. Wait 30 seconds before reapplying power.
The Motor Overload Protec�on trip �me is determined by how far over the trip se�ng the current draw from the motor is. When the Motor Overload
Protec�on trip point is reached, the drive will begin a countdown un�l it decides to fault. The higher the amperage draw from the motor is over the trip
point, the faster the drive will countdown. If no Motor Overload Protec�on is required, set the MOP trim pot fully CW. This means the Motor Overload
Protec�on trip point will be above the current limits determined by the FWCL and RVCL trim pots and will never be reached. Since calibra�ng the MOP
trim pot requires changing the FWCL trim pot, it is recommended to calibrate the MOP before calibra�ng the FWCL.
Start Pushbu�on
Open to Start
Stop Pushbu�on
Close to Stop
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Start Pushbu�on
Close to Start
Stop Pushbu�on
Close to Stop
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Start Pushbu�on
Open to Start
Stop Pushbu�on
Open to Stop
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Start Pushbu�on
Close to Start
Stop Pushbu�on
Open to Stop
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Open to Coast
Open to Brake
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Close to Coast
Open to Brake
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Open to Coast
Close to Brake
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Close to Coast
Close to Brake
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Independent Speed/Torque
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Linear Speed/Torque
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque Mode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque Limit Cycling
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed Mode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Switches 1, 2, 3:
Mode Selec�on
Speed Mode:
In speed mode, the drive will adjust the speed (voltage) supplied to the motor.
Torque Limit Cycling:
Similar to Speed Mode above, in this mode the drive will automa�ally change direc�on if it enters into a current limit condi�on
determined by trim pot FWCL for a period of �me set by trim pot RVCL.
Torque Mode:
In torque mode, the drive will adjust the torque (current) supplied to the motor.
Linear Speed/Torque Mode:
In linear speed/torque mode, the drive will adjust the speed and torque of the motor propor�onally.
Independent Speed/Torque Mode:
In independent speed/torque mode, analog signal 1 (SIG1) adjusts the speed (voltage) and analog signal 2 (SIG2)
adjusts the torque (current) of the motor.
Switch 4:
Auto Restart Preven�on
The drive will run to set speed upon power up if receiving a run command and the Enable and Inhibit are set to run.
UP - ON:
Upon power up, the drive must see a stop command before the drive will run the motor.
- The Enable must be set to “Disable” and then “Enable”.
- The Inhibit must be set to “Brake” and then to “Run”.
- The remote adjust poten�ometer must be set to zero speed, then turned up to a speed command.
Switch 5:
Alarm Output Type
DOWN - Current Limit:
The AUX output alarm will turn on whenever the drive is in current limit.
UP - Run Alarm:
The AUX output alarm will turn on whenever the drive is ac�vely trying to engage the motor.
Switch 6:
Enable/Inhibit or 3-Wire Start/Stop
DOWN - Enable/Inhibit:
Terminals COM and EN are an Enable (run/coast) switch. Terminals COM and INH are an Inhibit (run/brake) switch.
UP - 3-Wire Start/Stop:
Terminals COM and EN are a momentary Start switch and terminals COM and INH are a
momentary Stop switch.
Switch 7:
Enable Configura�on
DOWN - Normally Open:
In Enable Mode (see Switch 6), terminal EN is open to run / close to coast to a stop.
DOWN - Normally O
In Start/Stop Mode (see Switch 6), terminal EN is a normally open momentary Start pusbu�on (ie momentary close to run).
UP - Normally Closed:
In Enable Mode (see Switch 6), terminal EN is close to run / open to coast to a stop.
UP - Normally Cl
In Start/Stop Mode (see Switch 6), terminal EN is a normally closed momentary Start pusbu�on (ie momentary open to run).
Switch 8:
Inhibit Configura�on
DOWN - Normally Open:
In Inhibit Mode (see Switch 6), terminal INH is open to run / close to brake to a stop.
WN - Normally Open:
In Start/Stop Mode (see Switch 6), terminal INH is a normally closed momentary pusbu�on (ie momentary open to stop).
UP - Normally Closed:
In Inhibit Mode (see Switch 6), terminal INH is close to run / open to coast to a stop.
P - Normally Closed:
In Start/Stop Mode (see Switch 6), terminal INH is a normally open momentary pusbu�on (ie momentary close to stop).