Simplex Multiplexer
Chapter 7 — Special Applications
The features and flexibility of the Simplex make it a powerful
tool in special applications where unique capabilities are
required. This section describes several ways to use the
Two Simplex systems can be employed to transmit video from
multiple cameras over a single video communication link. The
link may be coaxial cable, a microwave channel, or other me-
diums that support real-time video. Multiplex video trans-
mission requires that one Simplex system be installed at each
A multiplexed video link allows you to display either local or
remote cameras at one site.
One-Way Video Transmission
One-way multiplexed video transmission requires two Sim-
plex systems and one video quality communication link. The
link joins the
vcr out
connector at Site A to the
vcr in
tor at Site B. It is important to keep the Simplex at Site A in
record mode so that images are sent. Site A cameras can be
viewed at Site A and Site B. Site B can view either local cam-
eras (Site B, LIVE display mode) or the cameras located at Site
A (PLAYBACK display mode). See
Figure 3 — One-Way Multi-
plexed Video Transmission