StorTrends® 1300 Set Up Guide
Select Thin or Exact Provisioning
Select the type of provisioning that you want to use.
The screen capture is from a 3U unit. By default, the 1U units use Exact Provisioning
because the 1Us only have four drive bays. Thin Provisioning is only useful if you plan
to add hard disk drives to your current configuration, which in the case of the 1U is not
typically done because the 1U unit usually ships with all drive bays occupied.
If you select
, the volume can be assigned a size greater than the actual physical size
of the storage device. For example, if the storage device has an actual physical size of
500 GB, the user can assign a size of up to 256 TB per box. Based on the consumption of
the storage device’s physical capacity, more physical drive capacity can be added later as
Thin Provisioning is mentioned here in the event you decide to add a hardware RAID
controller. For Example, if you use the 1U unit as a head unit with a JBOD attached.
Keep in mind that your hardware RAID controller may not be fully supported.
If you select
, the volume size cannot exceed the actual physical space available in
the storage device.
It is recommended to leave 20% of the physical space free for snapshots.