RP Series
March 2011
Voltage Range Change
The voltage range can be changed as follows:
1. Press the HI RANGE button located in the upper left corner. The output voltage will
reset to 0 volts.
2. Use the left shuttle knob to set the output voltage.
Output Control
The Output can be disabled or enabled as follows:
1. Pressing the OUTPUT button when the output LED is on will disable the AC source
output. The programmed voltage setting will remain at the last program value.
2. Pressing the OUTPUT button again will enable the output voltage and the output will
revert to the last programmed value.
Setting the Power on Initialization Values
All P and RP series are supplied with default factory settings when the unit is powered up.
The factory settings are:
Voltage range Low
0 V
60 Hz
Current limit
Max available current
Display mode Frequency
It is possible to change the power on initialization values in one of two ways:
1. Using the optional RS232 or IEEE-488 (RP only) interface and the supplied PGUI32
2. Using the front panel. (requires main firmware release 1.0 or higher).
To change the power on initialization values from the front panel, proceed as follows:
1. Set the unit up in the desired way from the front. (Range, voltage, frequency, current
limit, output relay state). Note: The display mode
– frequency or current – is not saved
as part of the set up and always defaults to frequency.
2. Press and hold the Select key (normally toggles between F and C readouts).