AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG I Hauptstraße 101 I 26689 Apen
T49 (0) 44 89 / 72 72 -22 I Fax +49 (0) 44 89 / 62 45
BedIenunGsAnLeITunG / oPeRATInG InsTRuCTIon / MAnuAL
22 Malfunctions and their removal
Possible cause
Possible remedey
Linearlift doesn´t swivel out
1. Handswitch is defect.
2. Battery is empty.
1. Check connections- if necessa-
ry change the switch
2. Charge Battery
Linearlift doesn´t sink
1. Handswitch is defect.
2. Battery is empty.
3. Lowering valve is defekt
1. Check connections- if necessa-
ry change the switch
2. Charge Battery
3. Change lowering valve.
Linearlift doesn´t raise
1. Handswitch is defect.
2. Battery is empty.
3. Contactor is defekt
1.Check connections- if necessa-
ry change the switch
2. Charge Battery
3.Change contactor..
Linearlift doesn´t swivel in
1. Handswitch is defect.
2. Battery is empty.
1. Check connections- if necessa-
ry change the switch
2. Charge Battery
Linearlift sinks automatically
1. Lowering valve does not
close faultlessly
1. Change lowering valve.
Above mentioned malfunctions can give only a short overview about the multitude possilbe malfunc-
tions. Because of the Lift design it´s not to difficult for the maintenance staff to identify and repair any
other malfunctions. The following points should always be considered:
• Switch off the electricity
• Search and repair the cause with consideration.
• Don´t cause an additional damage throught force