5.5.3 Clean ing the air fil ter
Re move the wing nut (1) from the air cleaner cover (2), and re -
move the cover.
Re move the wing nut from the air fil ter (3), and re move the fil ter.
Re move the foamfilter (5) from the pa per fil ter (4).
In spect both air fil ter el e ments, and re place themif they are
dam aged. Clean the air fil ter el e ments if they are to be re used:
Pa per air fil ter el e ment:
Blow com pressed air [not ex ceed ing 207 kPa (2.1 kgf/cm ,
30 psi)] through the fil ter el e ment (4) from the in side.
Foam air fil ter el e ment (5):
Clean in warm soapy wa ter, rinse, and al low to dry thor -
oughly. Or clean in non-flam ma ble sol vent and al low to dry.
Dip the fil ter el e ment (5) in clean en gine oil, then squeeze
out all ex cess oil. The en gine will smoke when started if
toomuch oil is left in the foam.
Wipe dirt from the in side of the air cleaner case and cover us -
ing a moist rag. Be care ful to pre vent dirt fromentering the air
duct that leads to the car bu re tor.
Place the foam air fil ter el e ment (5) over the pa per el e ment (4).
Re in stall the as sem bled air fil ter. Be sure the gas ket is in
place be neath the air fil ter.
Tighten the air fil ter wing nut se curely.
In stall the air cleaner cover (2), and tighten the wing nut se -
Change the fil ter el e ment:
if the fil ter el e ment is dam aged
if moist or oily de pos its are pres ent
if en gine per for mance re duces
min i mum once a year
Never op er ate the en gine with out air fil ter.
Do not al low dust to en ter into carburator.
max. 2 bar
Never use petrol or clean ing so lu tions with a low
flash point for clean ing the fil ter el e ment!
Do not smoke in the work ing area; avoid open fire
and sparks – fire and ex plo sion haz ard!
Risk of eye in ju ries! – Wear safety gog gles.
5. Main te nance