For Data Samples for Genuine Banknotes (to improve recognition).
a. Locate a folder labeled as ERR
MIX mode
created file:
For Data Samples for Suspect Banknotes (to improve suspect detection.
Locate the newly created folder on the USB drive and check for 3 new folders labeled
as: IRfile, MGUV, and WhiteFile
[COUNT] mode
crated files:
5. Please zip these files separately and provide to us via email or file sharing link such as
google drive.
If you need assistant, please contact our SERVICE TEAM
AMROTEC periodically release upgrade software for MIB-Series machine with improvement to
recognition software or suspect detection capability. When a new software is released, our
dealers will be notified via email and new software will be posted on our DEALER site
(password protected and designed for our current dealers’ network only).
Step #1:
First, download the software from our DEALER SITE or obtain from us via email and load onto
your PC. Software file is typically a zip file like below: