NXB-CCG-K NetLinx® Clear Connect™ Gateway
If you should have issues with installing an NXB-CCG-K or with setting up a network, consider the following options:
Ensure power is connected to the NXB-CCG-K
Ensure a network connection is made between the NXB-CCG-K and a router/PC
Factory default the NXB-CCG-K
Place a router between the NXB-CCG-K and the controlling PC
Refresh the NXB-CCG-K web page
Cycle power to the NXB-CCG-K
Ensure power is connected to all devices being programmed in the system
Ensure recommended device spacing, with a maximum of 30 feet (9.14 meters) between devices, and a
minimum of 10 feet (3.05 meters) between NXB-CCG-Ks.