After removing both batteries, connect one of the two probes to the negative (-) terminal of the nearest
12 Volt battery and the other probe to the negative (-) terminal of the "Anderson" connector. Make sure
that the multimeter's probes are properly connected to desired jacks for a reliable resistive reading. If the
probes are connected to the desired jacks for a current reading, a false resistive reading is obtained. The
resistance value measured between the circuit breaker terminals should not exceed 0.1 Ohms.
If the result of the resistance reading of the circuit breaker shows a value of O.L. (Infinity), reset by
pressing the black button of the circuit breaker. If continuity is not restored, replace the circuit breaker.
If the reading has a resistance value greater than 0.1 Ohms but less than O.L (infinity), disconnect the
circuit breaker and clean the contacts with a fine or medium synthetic scouring pad. Do not use real steel
wool! Once the contacts are clean, reconnect the circuit breaker and secure bolts so that the circuit
breaker terminals cannot move at all.