Quick Start Guide
©2009 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
If the AD9747 evaluation board has been recognized by the PC, “AD9747 RevB” should be populated in the Evaluation Board
field in the Hardware Config panel.
Generate a sinewave by pulling down the “Add Generated Waveform” menu and choosing “Single Tone”. Fill in the form as
shown in Figure 3 (Sample Rate = 100MHz, Desired Frequency = 17.0MHz, etc.). Select the I and Q data vectors in the data
selection panel.
Configure the eval board by writing the value 01 to register 1E1. This configures the AD9516 to use the CLK input to drive the
clock path.
Bypass the clock dividers on the AD9516.
The DCO frequency field in the DPGDownloader window should now be reading something close to 100MHz.
Next hit the download
button. This transfers the data from the PC to the DPG memory.
When the vector has finished downloading, hit the play
button. This starts the DPG2 transmitting data to the eval board.
The output from J5 and J9 should be a clean 29MHz tone as shown below:
3 dBm
20 dB
7.4 MHz/
1 MHz
75 MHz
RBW 5 kHz
VBW 20 kHz
SWT 3 s
1 AP
SWP 10 of 10
Date: 19.OCT.2009 17:45:59