ANC Technology
e, If the valve opens to irrigate normally, but shows “On FAILURE” on controller.
Make sure the pressure switch is installed correctly first. Then open the black
protective cover on switch, turn and adjustment screw anticlockwise to make the
screw comes out some. Keep adjusting until it does not show “ON FAILURE” on
LCD when valve is open. If turn the screw to the end still shows “On FAILURE”,
check if the water pressure meets the min requirement.
Pressure meter doesn’t need adjusting.
f, If the valve been closed normally, but shows “OFF FAILURE” on LCD, do same
as above, but turn the screw clockwise to make the screw back in some distance
until it doesn’t show “OFF FAILURE” on LCD when valve is being closed.
This controller (2.01 or above) also support pressure meter.
4. Please enable the pressure switch/meter, details see 9.2
5. Manual open valve to check if the pressure switch/meter is available or not, no
leaking, no open/close valve failure alarm, then this installation is OK.