Environment temperature
is higher than 40
Please test at a lower
temperature environment
Display remains
bank after the Test
strip has been
inserted into the
1. Batteries may be
installed improperly.
2. Battery power is too low
for use.
3. Too much time has
passed between inserting
the Test Strip and performing
the test.
4. Test Strip has not been
fully inserted into the Meter
1. Install the
batteries correctly.
2. Replace with new
3. Reinsert the Test
Strip into the Meter.
4. Reinsert the Test
Strip into the Meter.
The Code Number
on the Meter is
different form the
Code number
printed on the Test
Strip vial.
Incorrect Code numbers
has been inputted into the
Insert the new
CODE card to match
the Code number on
the Test Strip vial
Test results are
inconsistent or
Control Solution test
results are not within
the specified range.
11. Not enough sample in
the Test Strip.
12. Test Strip or Control
Solution has expired.
13. Test Strip has been
damaged due to heat or
14. System is not performing
due to environment being
above or below room
1. Redo test with new
test strip and make
sure that enough
sample has been
2. Redo test with new
test strip.
3. Perform a Control
Solution test using a
new Test Strip. If
results are still out of
range, replace with
new vial of Test Strips.
4. Bring System to a
room temperature
environment and wait