Step 1: Align Hook Plates (am-4654) and 5
spacers (am-3976) as shown. The hook will be
used as a drill guide so additional spacers and
hardware will be added later.
Assemble Hook
Step 2: Insert a 10-32 x 1.5” SHCS (am-1014)
through both plates and spacers and secure with
10-32 Nylock Jam Nuts (am-1063).
Pre-Assemble Winch Plates
Step 1: Align winch plates (am-4646) and 4 spacers as shown.
Step 2: Loosely add 10-32 screws and nuts (am-1063) to the assembly.
Winch plates will be installed on the outer-most box tube. The winch plate assemblies are also used as
drill guides for the box tubes.
2.0” Box Tube – 2 Stage Assembly
Hook will be installed on the 1.0” box tube. The hook is also used as drill guides for the box tubes.
1.5” Box Tube – 1 Stage Assembly
2.0” Box Tube – 2 Stage Assembly
1.5” Box Tube – 1 Stage Assembly