To help protect the monitor from freezing during periods of low
temperature, complete the following steps. (Refer to Figure 4).
1. Manually rotate monitor to right stop (valve may click at
this time).
2. Manually rotate monitor to left stop until valve clicks.
3. Connect a short length of garden hose (3/4-11 1/2 NH) to
fitting at back of oscillating mechanism enclosure.
4. Immerse other end of hose into a solution of 50% ethy -
lene glycol antifreeze and 50% water.
5. Turn selector valve handle (at side of enclosure) up to
TEST/MANUAL position.
6. Manually rotate monitor to right stop, then to left stop,
back to right stop, and again to left stop making sure
valve clicks at each stop. Continue this cycle until ethy -
lene glycol solution discharges from four-way valve.
To test strength of ethylene glycol solution,
catch solution as it discharges from the fourway
valve. Then test solution using a hydrometer to
determine level of low temperature protection.
7. Manually rotate monitor to center of oscillation arc.
8. Return selector valve handle to RUN position (pointed to
back of enclosure). Secure handle with visual inspection
9. Again, manually rotate the monitor to left stop (until valve
clicks). This will force ethylene glycol into the water by-
pass tube.
10. To maintain low temperature protection, Steps 1 through
9 must be repeated after every use or test operation
where the oscillating mechanism was actuated with
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