is to inform the user that when the DHCP client is enabled, the current IP will lose
and user should find the new IP on the DHCP server.
IP Address:
Assign the IP address that the network is using. If DHCP client function
is ena bled, and t hen the us er does n’t need t o as sign t he I P address. A nd, t he
network D HCP s erver will as sign t he IP address displaying i n t his c olumn for the
industrial switch. The default IP is
Subnet Mask:
Assign the subnet mask to the IP address. If DHCP client function is
enabled, and then the user does not need to assign the subnet mask.
Assign the network gateway for the industrial switch. The default gateway
Assign the primary DNS IP address.
Assign the secondary DNS IP address.
And then, click
IP configuration interface
DHCP Server – System configuration
DHCP is the abbreviation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol that is a protocol for
assigning dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network. With dynamic addressing, a
device can have a different IP address every time it connects to the network. In some
systems, the device's IP address can even change while it is still connected. DHCP also
supports a mix o f s tatic an d dynamic I P addresses. D ynamic addressing s implifies