The control truth table is as follows:
Aerial number 1 3 4
ANT SW A (data) G G
ANT SW B (data) G
Open collector 100mA MAX
(G) connects to ground
5-16 EXT SP - external speaker socket
This 3.5mm mono jack socket provides audio output to
drive an external speaker unit. Connection to this socket
automatically disables the internal speaker but not a
headphone if connected to the front panel socket.
An external speaker should have a nominal 8 OHM
impedance and power handling of 2 WATTS or greater.
5-17 REMOTE - RS232C computer port
The 9 pin female D type RS232C control socket and
associated internal circuitry is fitted as standard. This
permits the AR5000 to be connected directly to a computer
for hands off remote control.
PC control Windows/95 software is under development
for the AR5000 and a programmer’s RS232 command
protocol supplement is available as an option.
Connection to an IBM compatible PC is as follows:
AR5000 PC 9-pin serial input
2 2
3 3
5 5 (GROUND)
7 7
8 8
AR5000 PC 25-pin serial input
2 3
3 2
5 7 (GROUND)
7 4
8 5
5-18 I.F. OUTPUT (10.7 MHz)
This BNC socket provides a suitable output to drive the
optional AOR SDU5000 spectrum display unit providing
a usable ± 5 MHz of bandwidth. The output to this socket
must be switched on using the CONFIG menu
, item three EXT-IF OFF, 1 or 2.
5-19 STD IN (10 MHz)
This BNC socket may be configured using the CONFIG
to accept an external high stability
10 MHz reference (such as off-air atomic coupled).
In the standard configuration, a built-in 12.8 MHz TCXO
is employed.
5-20 MUTE
This PHONO/RCA socket is used to mute the AR5000
when used in conjunction with a transmitter (to mute the
AR5000 when placed into transmit). The transmitter
should provide a normally closed contact becoming open
during transmit.
Note: An internal yellow jumper wire is fitted across the
mute terminals to enable normal operation without the
need for a shorted phono/RCA plug to be fitted in place.
If connected to a transmitter this yellow link wire must
be cut. If the receiver is then to be used stand alone, a
shorted plug MUST be left in the mute socket for standard
operation or the AR5000 will not receive and no audio will
be heard from the speaker.
In receive mode:
Short circuit
In transmit mode (muted):
Open circuit
Enabling the mute facility
Only the upper case of the AR5000 need by removed to
access the area containing the yellow jumper wire. Switch
the receiver off and unplug the power cord.
1 In order to lift the upper case, carefully (with the correct
fitting posi-drive screwdriver) remove the 4 screws from
the top cabinet and the 3 screws from each side panel
(the screws on the side of the unit toward the front are
larger than the rest). The rear edge of the top cabinet
has a flange and the sides have two unused holes
(for mobile mounting).
2 Locate and cut the yellow jumper wire positioned above
the MUTE terminal.
3 Refit the upper case.