1. While the hot air gun is on stand-by mode (“0FF” is displayed
on the panels “13” and “12”), hold both UP and DOWN
buttons of the HOT AIR GUN TEMPERATURE adjustment
2. Wait until “t005” is displayed on the Hot Air Gun Temperature
display panel, “13”.
3. Release the buttons when “t005” appears.
4. Adjust the time using the same UP and DOWN buttons of the
HOT AIR GUN TEMPERATURE adjustment buttons.
5. Confirm the change by activating the HOT AIR GUN function
6. The system will immediately switch back to operation and use
the defined countdown parameter for the entire usage.
The sleep mode timer is configurable between 1 and 30
Sleep mode settings for Hot-Air gun and Soldering Iron is saved
into the memory an shall remain effective until it is reset or new
data is entered.
G. Activating Soldering Iron Auto-Sleep Mode
The soldering iron’s SLEEP mode is deactivated by default. Follow
the set of procedures below to activate this feature.
CONDITION: SOLDERING IRON function is inactive.
1. While soldering iron is displaying “OFF” or in stand-by mode,
push both UP and DOWN buttons of the SOLDERING IRON
TEMPERATURE adjustment buttons (“4” from the CONTROL
2. Wait until “t0FF” appears from soldering iron temperature
display panel. This means sleep mode is currently turned OFF.