Make sure the glass bulb sensor is covered by the KCL storage solution (SKU: AI1107) in the
storage cap when not in use.
Never store pH electrodes in pure water like RO water, tap water, distilled water, or deionized
water as they will cause damage to the electrode.
Keep the electrode connector clean and dry. Use cotton balls with isopropyl alcohol to clean if it
gets dirty and then blow-dry it. This is to prevent a potential short circuit, which will undermine
the electrode’s performance.
pH electrodes do not last forever. They age through normal use and eventually will fail. The regular
service life of the pH electrode is 1-2 years. If you feel like the response of your pH electrode is
much slower, or the slope is lower than 90% (most Apera portable/benchtop pH meters will show
the slope data between every two points of calibration), it’s time to replace with a new electrode
to ensure accuracy.
Limited Warranty
We warrant this electrode to be free from defects in material and workmanship and agree to repair or
replace free of charge, at the option of APERA INSTRUMENTS, LLC, any malfunctioned or damaged
product attributable to responsibility of APERA INSTRUMENTS, LLC for a period of SIX MONTHS
from the delivery.
This warranty does not cover any damages due to:
Accidental damage, transportation, storage, improper use, failure to follow the product instructions,
unauthorized repair, normal wear and tear, or any other actions or events beyond our reasonable control.
Address: 6656 Busch Blvd, Columbus, OH 43229 P h on e: + 1 (61 4 ) 2 8 5 -3 0 8 0
W e b s i t e :
E m a i l : i n f o @ a p e r a i n s t . c o m