Click on "Check Failure Macros", the "Macro" window pops up. User can create a scenario
of required actions in this window. The main parameter needs to be checked is "Check
Analog Failure", as shown in Figure 67. This option enables FD Module to analyze acquired
data and "decide" whether DUT has failed or not. The example shown in Figure 67 is the
most common check failure macro scenario that user use in the test. This will report any
failure occurrence (when the red led light turns on) to SmartScan.
Figure 67: Setup "Check Failure Macros".
Next, user has to create "Reboot DUT Macros". This can be done similarly to the previous
described steps, refer to procedure b. The Macro scenario consists of a certain command
sequence. Failure detection macros will be executed when SmartScan needs to know if DUT
failed or not and Reboot Macros will be executed when SmartScan needs to reboot and re-
initialize the DUT.
In the example shown in Figure 68, rebooting of a DUT has to be done by power cycling. If
DUT power is connected to AC Power output on the FD Box, then user select "AC Relay"
button (
). It opens AC Relay window. Here user needs to: first power off the DUT, wait
) 2 seconds, turn AC Relay on, and then wait for 20 seconds. It is good to have
"Pause" function in the macros, some DUT takes times for system to develop failure, then
"Pause" command allows enough time for DUT to shown failure behavior and turn off and