Mobile-Mist™ Turbo Unit.
a. The only maintenance necessary on the turbo unit is cleaning and/or changing the filter element. The filter should
be removed and rinsed out at least once daily or at least every 4 tanning sessions. The filter housing and filter are
located on the side of the Mobile Mist™ Turbo Unit.
Changing the single inlet filter for your Mobile-Mist™
is very easy to do following these simple instructions:
1. Place your finger tips around the edge of the plastic outer fan guard located in the lower corner of the side panel
on the case. Gently pull the plastic guard apart from the workstation.
2. Once the outer guard has been removed the filter element should fall out. Take the element to the sink and rinse
with warm water until the water comes through clear.
3. Dry the filter element with some paper towel or a dry cloth.
4. Insert the filter element into the outer guard and push back onto the inner guard. Make sure that the filter is flat
and not curled up and the edges.
2 Air Hose.
a. Wipe the air hose daily with a damp cloth and store in a clean dry place.
3 Mist Applicator™
a. It is important to clean your Mist Applicator™ daily.
b. At the end of the day or when the equipment will not be used any more, disconnect the Mist Applicator™ from the
air hose.
c. Carefully unscrew the cup. If there is remaining solution, either close the cup with a cup lid, or pour the remaining
solution into a proper storage container.
d. Rinse the cup under warm running water until clean.
e. Fill the cup about ¼ full with water. Reconnect Mist Applicator™ to Air Hose. Turn on the Mobile Mist™ Turbo
Unit. Direct the Mist Applicator™ to a safe area and spray the clean warm water through the Mist Applicator™ until
the cup is empty.
f. Turn off the Mobile-Mist™ Turbo Unit. Disconnect the Mist Applicator™. Unscrew the cup.
g. Wipe all exposed areas dry.
h. Unscrew and remove the Air Cap Ring (#1). Rinse the threads under warm running water. Wipe, clean the