The FAA can rebroadcast traffi c information about aircraft equipped with
the following transponder types: Mode C, Mode S, Mode ES, and UAT.
Mode A transponders and primary radar targets detected by the FAA are
not included in rebroadcasted traffi c reports.
Since not all aircraft are ADS-B Out equipped and not all traffi c is
rebroadcast, the use of Stratus does not preclude pilots from having to
perform see-and-avoid procedures.
Stratus is not an active traffi c interrogation system. Stratus is not an
ADS-B Out device.
You will likely not receive weather or rebroadcast traffi c
information on the ground as ADS-B information is broadcast by ground
towers. The altitude Stratus begins to receive weather and rebroadcast
traffi c information will vary depending on the distance to nearby towers,
and terrain, and the obstacles that may be between Stratus and a tower.