Occasionally, Stratus fi rmware updates will be released. These updates
may activate new capabilities or address known issues. If a fi rmware
update is available, it will be sent to your iOS device as an update to
ForeFlight Mobile in the App Store. You may be notifi ed of an update
to ForeFlight Mobile via an update badge, push notifi cation, or banner,
depending on your iOS device’s Notifi cation settings.
Not all updates to ForeFlight Mobile will contain fi rmware updates
for Stratus.
Once you have updated ForeFlight Mobile, you may apply the Stratus
fi rmware update, if one is available, from the Stratus Status page. If a
fi rmware update is available, the fi rmware version on Stratus Status page
will be followed by the text “Tap to Update.”
To apply the update, tap the fi rmware version number in the Stratus Status
page and follow the on-screen instructions.
It may take several minutes
to update Stratus’s fi rmware. Do not power off your Stratus or iOS device
during a fi rmware update or close ForeFlight Mobile.
You may need to reconnect to ForeFlight Mobile after your
Stratus’s fi rmware has been updated.