Rows in Sheet Differs from Key
refer to page 18— Calibrating DataLink1200
This error generally occurs when the student answer sheet does not
match the form used as a key . If the answer sheets differ from the
key either remark the answer sheets onto forms which match the
key or remark the key to match the form used on the answer sheets .
If the sheets are identical, erase any extraneous marks made on the
answer sheet or the key that appear near the black timing marks on
the left edge or the black markings at the top of the sheets . If the
problem persists try cleaning the read sensors and re-calibrating the
scanner .
Motor Runs Continuously
Power off the scanner by unplugging the power supply . Wait 5
seconds and replug the power supply . If the motor continues to run,
and ask for the Technical Support Department .
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules .
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
FCC Compliance Statement