CPD-3230 Customer Pole Display
1.2 Features
1. Vacuum Fluorescent Display
2. Eye-catching bright blue-green display font
3. Unique panel design to vitalize your retail interior.
4. Supports 14 language characters, including those from the USA, France, Germany, UK,
Sweden, Denmark I and II, Italy, Spain, Norway, Greek, Slavonic, Russian and
5. Provides 6 command modes: EPSON ESC/POS, ADM787/788, UTC/S, UTC/P, EMAX
(AEDEX), CD5220 and DSP-800 (option).
6. The wide-range of power supplies input to prevent misuse.
7. Low power consumption achieves optimal energy use and reliability.
8. Innovative hinge design for quick panel adjustment.
9. User-programmable for all fonts and customer messages.
10. Hardware Interface:
Full speed data transfer using the USB 2.0 protocol.
RS-232C Interface with baud rates selectable from 9600 to 115200 bps.
11. Mechanical:
Provides a wide range of rotation and tilt angles.
Selectable pole length for best position installation.