t is recommended that for freshwater aquariums,
the fi lter is run for at least 5-7 days before fi sh are
added. This allows the fi lter to cycle and establish a
population of benefi cial bacteria which break down
waste in the aquarium water.
Check the water parameters such as pH and kH. If
you are unsure what the levels should be for your
fi sh, seek advice from your aquarium retailer.
Allow at least a week between fi sh additions. This
allows the biological fi lter to adjust to cope with the
additional waste.
Remember, all fi sh will grow. When selecting fi sh,
make judgements based on the maximum size the
fi sh will grow, not simply based on the size the fi sh
is at the store.
Consult your local aquarium retailer for advice on
stocking your aquarium.
Feed your fi sh as per instructions on your fi sh
food container.
Check temperature
Ensure all equipment is running correctly.
Ensure there is suffi cient water in the aquarium.
When the water level drops due to evaporation the
return pump will begin to suck air, resulting in fi ne
bubbles being distributed through the aquarium.
When topping up evaporated water, always use
dechlorinated tap water or suitably fi ltered water.
Test water parameters including pH, ammonia,
nitrite, nitrate and carbonate hardness. Use quality
test kits, Aqua One have a range of test kits (sold
separately) which will allow you to easily and
accurately monitor your water quality.
Some species require specifi c water conditions.
Please seek advice from your marine aquarium
FORTNIGHTLY: 25% water change
What you will need: A bucket, gravel cleaner, towel,
algae scraper and water conditioner. Fish do not
need to be removed while performing a water
1. Wash your hands.
2. Check the pH and temperature of both the
aquarium water and the new water. Make any
adjustments that need to be made to the new water.
3. Once the water is ready to use, switch off and
remove the light unit and glass lid and place them
somewhere safe away from the water where they
will not be broken or damaged.
4. Turn the heater and fi lter off.
5. Place a towel on the fl oor in front of the aquarium
to guard from water spillage.
6. Use an algae scraper and gently remove any
algae that is growing on the glass.
7. Using a gravel cleaner, remove 25% of the
aquarium water. Take note of how much water is
removed and be sure to have enough prepared
water to replace all that is removed.
8. Remove the sponge from the fi lter unit and rinse
them in the water that has been removed from
the aquarium. Never rinse the sponge or ceramic
cartridge under tap water as it will kill the benefi cial
bacteria that live on the fi lter media.
9. Refi ll the aquarium using the prepared water.
Ensure there is suffi cient water so that the pump is
fully submerged.
10. Turn the heater and fi lter back on.
11. Allow the aquarium to run for 30 minutes then
check the temperature and pH. Adjust if necessary.
12. Replace the glass lids and light unit.
MONTHLY: Filter Maintenance
Follow the maintenance instructions that came
with the fi lter to remove and clean the impeller and
impeller housing.