Version: 20210708
Chemical solvents or other types of combustibles can be used to create flames, but this is not
recommended. This method requires expertise. Do not do this if you are not a fire safety specialist.
Other: be aware of fire hazards before using other ways to test Araani Fire Guard flame recognition.
Test zone setup
Select a safe indoor area to perform the fire tests. For best result, position the test fire in the middle of the field of
Pay attention to following issues:
Anticipate on where the smoke will travel (due to airflow, wind, air-
conditioning, open doors…)
and make sure to position the test fire in such a way that the smoke remains in the camera field
of view for a maximum amount of time.
When using a fireplace video:
Make sure that the screen is perpendicularly oriented towards the camera, to have a
proper/clear view off the video.
Avoid reflections on the screen.
Set the screen to maximum brightness. Araani Fire Guard is looking for light intensity.
Screen brightness can never compete with sunlight or bright lamps. Try to avoid these
interferences in the field of view during the test or create a detection zone excluding
these disturbing factors.
Described testing methods may not be suitable for outdoor testing. Weather conditions may negatively
affect dispersion of generated smoke and outdoor light will interfere with video screens.