8 0 0 8 A N D I R I D I U M U S E R G U I D E
©2012 Indy Audio Labs, LLC all rights reserved / Revision20130220
Document No. 1000571
About Information Section:
This section contains useful
information such as product model, software version,
IP address, MAC address as well as buttons to view the
Aragon web page http://www.aragonav.com, and a but-
ton to view the latest version of the online user guide.
Network Settings:
By selecting the “Show Settings” but-
ton, network-specific information boxes appear that allow
advanced control functions and monitoring including:
1. Enabling/disabling UDP commands – prevents the
amplifier from responding to Ethernet network com-
mands. In most cases, when no external Ethernet
controller is present, this can be turned off to add
an additional level of network security.
2. Forcing a static IP address – used for creating
persistent links to the control page on a computer or
mobile device. (Note that an alternate method to ac-
complish this is to force a static IP for this MAC ad-
dress in the local router.) The initial IP address of the
amplifier is set to a default value per the table below:
Press the “Static” button and enter a new static IP
address or simply hit “Enter” to accept the default
ip address. Then press the “Upload New IP” button
to change the current IP address to the new Static
IP address. The new Static IP address will be set
and the next time a browser is pointed to this IP
address, a permanent control link can be easily cre-
ated on the control device’s desktop.
3. Restoring automatic DHCP address assignment
- press the DHCP button to force the internal web
server to request a new address from the network
DHCP server.
4. Showing status on whether an internet connection
is present.
default ip address