The Programmable Pulse A Screen
Select the Prog. Pulse A tab to configure how the Model 1095A/C sends
pulses to the Prog Pulse A terminals. Prog. Pulse A includes two modes
and seven pulse types.
Figure 4.13: Programmable Pulse A Setup
(1) On and Off.
Pulse Mode Types:
(1) Pulse per Second, (2) Pulse per Minute, (3)
Pulse per Hour, (4) Pulse per Day, (5) Single Trigger, (6) Slow Code,
and (7) Seconds per Pulse.
Pulses may be set to transition positively or negatively.
Alarm Time Mark:
Specify the time and date, UTC or Local, for a
pulse event.
Pulse Width:
Specified in 10 millisecond increments up from 10
milliseconds (0.010 seconds) up to a full 24 hours depending on Mode.
Pulse Delay:
Pulse Delay works in most modes, except in Alarm Time
Mark and Slow Code. It delays the pulse by the selected value, after
the top of the second, minute, hour or day depending on the chosen
Pulse Type.