Controls enabled
Figure. 4.5 - 16. Controls enabled submenu.
You can activate the selected control functions in the
Controls enabled submenu. By default all the
control functions are disabled. All activated functions can be viewed in the
Control functions submenu
(see the section "Control functions" below for more information).
In this submenu you can also activate and disable controllable objects. As with control functions, all
objects are disabled by default. All activated objects can be viewed in the
Objects submenu (see the
section "Objects" below for more information).
Setting groups
Figure. 4.5 - 17. Setting groups submenu.
Setting groups submenu displays all the information related to setting group changing, such as the
• A
ctive se
e settting gr
ting group
oup: displays the current active setting group (SG1…SG8).
• FFor
orce se
ce settting gr
ting group change
oup change: this setting allows the activation of a setting group at will (please
note that Force SG change enable must be "Enabled").
• Used se
Used settting gr
ting groups
oups: this setting allows the activation of setting groups SG1...SG8 (only one
group is active by default).
Instruction manual
Version: 2.04